Radio Commercials

Part #1

The biggest thing is I'm pretty involved in sports and shooting sports specifically, so I was always having trouble focusing my eyes and seeing things in great detail. And just wanted to never have to deal with contacts again, glasses, constantly losing glasses, so it was pretty important that I was able to see clearly. It was a little frightening, but after the first one was done, it was nothing after that. I didn't even hesitate or have too much apprehension about it. In hindsight, I would let these guys do it once a week if I can see the way I can see now.

Part #2

The recovery time was much shorter than I thought it was going to be. Kind of in my head I feel that I thought that I was going to be out for multiple days or not be able to see. The fact of the matter is I could see right after the procedure, you know, initially after the first four or five hours. I could see that the procedure had a great effect. I didn't really kind of grasp the whole procedure, the effect of the procedure until I walked outside and actually stopped in the middle of the street and I was looking around, seeing detail that I've never seen or never seen with any kind of great clarity, even with my glasses or my contacts. So it was kind of awe-inspiring, I suppose. It was a pretty cool feeling.

Part #1

It was painless, it was just easier than I thought it was gonna be. I think I psyched myself out just because, you know, they're dealing with your eyes and stuff, but it was probably the easiest thing that I've ever been through, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I have recommended to many people that are, you know, if they ask the question, I'm like, oh, I would do it in a heartbeat. I had such a great experience, you know. I didn't have any issues afterwards, but it was wonderful not to have to be able to put glasses on.

Part #2

I've had a lot of anxiety coming in here, first of all, for the procedure initially, but the staff here just puts you at ease. He walks you, when he's actually doing it, he's walking you through every step that he does and he's telling you everything that he does. I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that. And you felt when he said you'd feel pressure, you'd feel a little bit of pressure. I mean, it was just a great experience all around. I mean, recommended it to many people and people ask me, this is where I recommend them to go because I've had nothing but a great experience. Just all around happy. I'm just happy.

Part #3

Contacts were just not for me. It was something that I don't know what the problem was. I just couldn't, for some reason, just get them in my eyes. So I just always put my glasses on. Glasses 24/7 and then I'd have to find sunglasses to big enough to fit over my glasses. So that was the nice thing, is you could actually go and buy a pair of sunglasses that you actually liked and put them on and wear them. So that was nice. Oh, I mean, I don't know if this is the thing, where I make up now. I never wore eye makeup before because I was always hidden behind glasses and now I actually wear eye makeup.

Part #1

I wanted to have LASIK because I was going to be getting married and I wanted to be able to not have to wear glasses on my wedding day. It was amazing. I guess I didn't really know what to expect. So after I had the surgery done and I got up off the table and I could actually read the clock in the room so it was very, very exciting to be able to see without glasses or contacts.

Part #2

The staff is amazing. Bernie explained everything to me beforehand and there weren't any surprises so I wasn't overly nervous about having surgery and I felt really comfortable on the day of surgery. I would absolutely recommend LASIK to any of my friends. It has definitely changed my life and I want everybody to be able to experience not having to wear corrective lenses.

Part #3

Yeah, I think even just, you know, daily living, not having to worry about putting in your contacts and taking them out or worrying about your glasses, or in the summer wearing my sunglasses, not having to worry about, you know, prescription sunglasses or wearing contacts and not needing contacts when you're going swimming. That was huge to not have to worry about that for just even daily activities.

Part #1

A couple of friends of mine have had it done years ago and they've told me for a long time to have it done and I just, I don't even know why I put it off. Life gets busy. I'll call next week, I'll call the week after. Finally I just heard that on the radio one day and I'm calling. It was good. It was very fast. It didn't take very long at all. I think it only took 45 seconds on one eye and around the same on the other so it went extremely fast. Next thing you know you're done. I think my appointment was at one o'clock and we were in the car on our way home before 1:30. I don't think you can get oil changed on that fast.

Part #2

Well you get here and all they make you do is they just make sure that you want to do this and then they give you a couple pills to help just relax you and they bring you into the room and you lay down on the bed and they just get you in position and get you underneath the laser and just to stay still and there's a few, there's a bright green and red light and you're just supposed to kind of stare at it as long as you can. By the time they start it's over with so fast and now besides my eyes being just a little dry feeling but that's normal after the surgery. It's remarkably fast.

Part #1

12, 13 years ago, the first time I inquired about it, and they told me at the time, "Not a candidate. Your pupils are too large and you don't have enough corneal tissue." And actually, we were riding sleds this winter, and the buddies said, "Yeah, me and my brother both went to Dr. Weis. Maybe you want to give them a call?" And it kind of renewed the interest again, so called up. And they said, "Yeah, come on in for the seminar. We'll see how it looks." And I said, "Yeah, you're now a perfect candidate." So, yeah, I mean, the whole procedure is under a minute. Once you're there and everything's a go, it was nothing.

Part #2

Well, I guess I look around my workshop and you know, she's done it and he's done it and he's done it. And there was two of us left that hadn't done it. And I'd say five or six people in the shop had already done it. And everybody's like, "Oh, it's the best money I've ever spent in my life." I live up on the Iron Range and we have a local one there, but yet the recommendation was here. So I'm driving 50 miles instead of five miles to have the surgery done. But it's a once-in-a-lifetime surgery and you want to go the right person.

Part #3

Nine, ten days now we're leaving to Disney World and part of it is not just being able to go on all the rides, not having to take your glasses off, going on the beach and just changes everything. You know, go water skiing, you don't have to put your glasses on. You go to the beach and you get to take in the scenery without having to be blind. Wake up in the morning and roll over and see what time it is without reaching for the glasses. I mean there's just so many pluses that to me it was a no-brainer. We live on the lake so just the whole thought of being able to go down there and jump in, you know, you can see. You don't have to worry, you know, you hear a boat coming, where is it?

Part #4

Last month leading up to coming here, the few people I've talked to, it was Weis Weis Weis. I had a buddy and his brother that had both done it and that's what initially got me coming here and then talking at work. It was my boss in the shop that said, "Yeah, that's where I went and had mine done too." When I was in a waiting room, I grabbed the card for a guy in particular in the shop. He'd go, "Here's where you want to go." The wife grabbed two of them for a couple acquaintances of hers and I'd recommend it to anybody.

Part #5

Quick and painless. There's more anticipation and buildup to the actual procedure than there is when you're under the laser. I think I heard him say 46 seconds or 48 seconds, something like that, is 10 second steps. The procedure itself was the easiest part really. I think I can focus and see better now than I ever have with glasses. And then going into the room and she said, "Can you read the bottom line and rambling off the bottom line right off the bat" 2020, where with my glasses I could get up but you'd have to kind of squint and try to focus and read them just fine.

Part #1

I have a two-year-old son and I wear glasses and he thought they were a fun toy. So he was constantly grabbing them off my face and I'd go to work and I have all these little fingerprints, smudges on my glasses. So it was just getting in the way a little bit so I thought I'd explore the opportunity to have LASIK done. It was great. Yeah, I was excited. You know, a little bit of nervousness because it is a procedure, but the technicians were great. It helped relax me a little bit and during the actual procedure they explained step by step on what was going on. So I never was surprised by anything and I think that really helped to keep the anxiety level down, but no pain. Absolutely no pain during the procedure.

Part #2

I had heard that some people have great sight immediately following, which I did. Went home, took a nap, woke up and everything was crystal clear. And this morning, waking up, I didn't have to reach to put my glasses on. So that was different. It's a lifestyle adjustment now because I'm not going to be dependent on my glasses anymore. I mean, literally you go to sleep, you wake up and there's your new vision. I mean, I am fine today. I'm 100 percent. I could probably go out and do whatever I wanted today. So I think the surprise is that really recovery is nothing. A couple hours. A good nap.

Part #3

Bernie, I love Bernie. He was great from the first time at the free consult. You know, 'cause you're a little nervous. Am I gonna be a candidate or not? And, you know, they do all the eye testing. And I, for one reason or another, couldn't keep my eyes open. I kept blinking during one of the tests. So I was a little nervous and he was like, "Oh, it's not a big deal. Don't worry about it." He's a great guy. And Kim was great too during surgery. She was there. They're great. They're not so, like, straight by the book. They're open, willing to have conversations, make you feel comfortable. You know, definitely, I would highly recommend this.

Part #1

I was really pretty tired of using glasses for distance. I had several friends that had it done and they more than like it and Dr. Weis was also their doctor. The staff are great. Bernie's a lot of fun and the rest of the staff is fantastic. I felt comfortable right away the first visit I had here. No problems whatsoever. I just can't believe how simple it was and my eyes feel absolutely normal. I highly recommend it and the staff and the physician here are great.

Part #2

It was fantastic. I wasn't very nervous at all and sat in the chair and basically they give you a couple of pills to make you relax. I lie down and before you know it, it's done. I'm just very happy the way things went. I guess what's surprising is that I probably expected more pain, maybe more blurry vision this morning, but no, actually that was the only surprise I guess. I expected more problems. It's going to be great.

Part #1

I have worn contacts for a long time, contacts and glasses, but it was really hard for me to wear contacts. I could only wear them for like two hours a day so LASIK is something I've wanted for like four years. It's really quick and fast. I was able to see like four hours after, which was surprising to me. I didn't think it would be like twenty-twenty right away. It was definitely a cool feeling to wake up and not have to put my glasses on and I could just see everything like around my room and see out the window clearly. The biggest thing for me is just like it used to take me like ten minutes to put my contacts in so now that's not gonna be part of my routine anymore.

Part #2

Well, Bernie is definitely the best. He really makes you feel like you're at home, I guess. It was a really like homey feeling. You didn't feel like you were a guest and they just made you feel comfortable and told you like straight up if you could get it or not. And they told you everything that was going on, which was also really helpful. Like I knew what they were doing during the surgery and I knew what was going to happen before, which was also really nice. I would definitely recommend Dr. Weis because he definitely knows what he's doing and he makes you feel comfortable during the surgery and he explains everything to you.

Part #1

I've been telling all my friends and family it's been awesome, everybody's been great, really kind, really helpful. Like I said, he explains everything which really helps and you can ask any questions you want and they get answered so they're always available to talk to if you need to. It was really smooth, talked through the whole thing, it was easy. No surprises, everything ran smoothly, just how I thought I was going to. Yesterday I told all my friends and family how great it was and how great the place was and so my husband's already excited about having it done sometime soon. So yeah, definitely tell other people.

Part #1

I had worn contacts for years since I was about 12 years old and so I hadn't really worn glasses and then contacts became uncomfortable and I started drying out from them and I couldn't wear them any longer. I was surprised that it was painless. I really thought that I would feel something from the laser. I really expected to know that there was something going on but I didn't. That was probably the biggest surprise for me. One thing is wearing sunglasses without having to have prescription lenses or having to put my contacts in to wear them. It'll make it a lot easier.

Part #1

About five years ago I started thinking about this and I had some anxieties about it. But I was actually sitting at my Rotary Club recently and the Rotarian there started talking to me. She recommended Dr. Weis. Oh, it was wonderful. I was thinking at first with all the flashing lights and everything that I really don't understand this but there were all these great soothing voices and it took a little concentration here and there but everything went so quickly it just was a piece of cake.

Part #2

One of the great things I appreciated was the communication here because things were explained and then re-explained and if I had questions they were answered right away and I felt good about the answers. You know, as you get older in life you kind of feel like you can sort out the weed from the chaff and I felt very comfortable with the advice I was getting here. Undoubtedly I would recommend Dr. Weis and all of the staff here. In addition to being true professionals are just gentle souls and I love that.

Part #3

One of the reasons I did this is I'm a sea kayaker, so I paddle out on Lake Superior. And I just hate wearing glasses out there, particularly when in the hot part of the summer because you put on sunscreen and stuff runs down in your eyes. And when you're paddling and you have glasses, you can't take them off to wipe your eyes. So I'm really looking forward to that. And then the other piece of it is I cross country ski and so I won't have to deal with glasses or contacts that can freeze up in subzero weather. So because I'm an outdoor person, this is just right for me.

Part #4

It was a genuine feel of caring. That's what I liked about it. It's clear that people know what they're doing here. Their reputation in the community is solid when you walk out and people speak to you as a colleague and not speak down to you as a patient. It makes a lot of difference. There was a little bit of a twinge here and there last night but in rational moments I think about it and say well why wouldn't there be there's just been surgery so you get past that and it doesn't last long.

Part #1

The biggest surprise was just being able to wake up and have it so clear today. You know, I always thought, "Well, surgery, it takes a little time." And they were like, "Tomorrow you should be able to see fine." And I was like, "Okay." So when I opened my eye this morning, I expected it to just maybe be a little hazy or something like that, but it was perfect. And I was like, "Oh, look at those trees. Oh, look at the birds." Even with contacts, you know, like if they weren't cleaned really well or something, I mean, you could see okay, but it's just so much sharper.

Part #2

I was getting tired of putting one contact in and finally I was just like, "Okay, let's give this a try." It was a lot easier than I thought. I was really nervous about it because, you know, it's my eyes. But it was so much easier than I thought and Dr. Weis was amazing. Every time he did something he said, "Okay, now this is what you're gonna feel. This is what we're doing." It was just step by step by step. It was good. Really, he really helped make me feel better.

Part #3

You know, it totally met everything that I would have expected. I just can't wake up and see perfect. It's really nice. So, yeah, way above what I expected. I always had trouble putting my contact in. My eyes were so sensitive, it was the whole thing. Putting anything in my eye kind of bothered me. Overall, it's pretty easy. It's well worth it, you know, the next day or you can do anything. You can run, you could, you know, watch TV, go to a movie. It's all good.

Part #1

I was having repeated contact issues, contact lens issues, and just getting tired of routine and chemicals and the contacts and putting them in, throwing them away. So I finally decided it was probably time. It went really easy. The pre-op went just fine and they did all the measurements and said I was a good candidate. And the day of surgery was just fine. Brought me in and walked me through verbally every process what was going on. There were just no surprises. It was over before you know it.

Part #2

They walked you through every step of the way. Even the video you watch prior to surgery prepares you for what's going to happen. So really I didn't have any surprises at all. I guess my biggest surprise was just how quick it went. In the past two years I've noticed again that sacrifice of distance vision. In this year hunting I really noticed that in the woods. Just wasn't seeing things as clearly and kind of wondered how many deer were walking by me and I didn't know it. I'm looking forward to that sharp distance vision again.

Part #1

Staff was phenomenal. They were all fun, they were easy to talk to, very helpful. If I had any questions, they answered right away and ... excellent staff, I can't talk enough about them. Especially the tech that took me through all the tests when I first came for my consultation. He explained to me what the processes were and everything. It left me feeling very informed by the time I came to do the actual procedure. If anything, I was more surprised at how quickly I could see after the procedure. Within 5-10 minutes of getting done, I was able to read signs on the drive home. It was actually really impressive.

Part #2

I decided to get it done mainly because I've been wearing glasses since I was about five years old. I've never had it where I could wake up in the morning and see things without grabbing for the glasses. I'm finally in a place where I could afford it and a position in my life where it was feasible so I decided to do it. It went great. It was in and out. It was really quick. It actually surprised me how fast and efficient it was. I think I was here for about a total of a half hour and from the time I checked in we were in the car half hour later. Like I said it was far met my expectations as far as how easy it was and how quick it was.

Part #3

I didn't really have any expectation you know I talked to some people that had it done and I came in here not really knowing exactly what to expect. I knew it was pretty minimally invasive so I didn't have any expectations but I was really surprised with how easily it went. I was expecting it to be a little bit more of a process than it actually was. I mean it was a lot easier than even just going to the dentist for an exam. I would recommend getting LASIK and coming down here to do it especially to the because my eyes were so bad. I've been wearing glasses for almost 30 years and they were able to correct that under a half hour.

Part #1

I got tired of wearing glasses and not being able to do extra activities. It went very well. Quick and easy, they walked you right through everything, said exactly what they were doing. I mean it was great, an easy experience. What I spent in glasses, contacts, contact solutions and everything over the years surpassed what I just paid for this and this is going to be great. All the staff is fabulous. Very nice, personable, made you feel very comfortable. I would absolutely recommend them. Good sense of humor because I have one so I was giving them a hard time about things and they were giving it back. It was all good.

Part #1

From the very first appointment with the staff here, I felt that they're both very professional, very informative and answered all of my questions. It gave me a peace of mind that this would work well for me. Before you come here, it's unnerving to think that you're going to be having laser surgery done to your eyes. They're one of the most important body parts you got. They're very, especially in my line of work, they rely on it and I rely on my eyesight. They did a fabulous job in explaining everything and I was very pleased.

Part #2

My expectations going in were that I wanted to see as well as I was able to with my contacts. Very pleasantly surprised that I can actually I believe see better. An awesome side effect of this procedure is I didn't think I would be able to see better but I certainly can. Waking up this morning and looking outside it's I actually feel like I do have better eyesight after the procedure. Usually when you wake up and you can see that good it's like okay you fell asleep with your contacts and while this morning I woke up and I can see my alarm clock and not have to squint and go wow this is gonna be awesome.

Part #3

Staff was excellent. Bernie, Bernie you know the moment I met him he was very friendly, very personable, made you feel at ease, walked you through everything, you know, answered any questions I had. Very friendly, very professional. Dr. Weis spoke throughout the entire procedure which went very quickly and that was what I was surprised about it. It was awesome so that's all I can tell you. It was very, very quick and informative and affordable procedure. I got nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for the staff here at Weis.

Part #1

I do a lot of traveling and I didn't really like the hassle of having to have glasses or carry contacts and stuff like that. So it was kind of important to me to just be able to see at all times, you know, not have to worry about having all that extra stuff. So like being able to snorkel and not having to worry about contacts and things like that. Swimming and not worrying about losing a contact or even sometimes I would skip out on wearing them so you'd be at this beautiful place and you couldn't see it all that well. So stuff like that I'm looking forward to just being able to see without having contacts or glasses in the way.

Part #2

It went really well. I was actually very surprised at how quickly it went away afterwards. And this morning I woke up and I saw just as well as I do with glasses, so it was really a nice surprise. It's so worth it. It'll pay for itself in the next couple of years not having to buy contacts and glasses and things like that. If you're nervous about getting it done, it seems like it could be a scary thing, but when you're in there, he tells you everything that he's going to do. You don't really feel anything and it's such a short amount of recovery time that the next day you can see.

Part #1

I could not stand wearing glasses or putting in contacts every day and it was really hard for me. They're very nice and funny and they make you feel comfortable. It's like they really care about you and your vision and how you feel about everything. I think it went beyond my expectations honestly and how well I can see a day after is  incredible. I would say it was like the best choice I've ever made even a day after. I feel like it was one of the best things I did.

Part #1

My glasses are thick and heavy and I just couldn't stand them on my face anymore. I was in and out within 30 minutes and it was painless. I couldn't ask for anything different. It exceeded my expectations so far. I thought maybe it would take a few days for me to be able to see clearly at least. No, that's not the case. It's been pretty darn good so far. I would recommend it right now to anyone even though it's only been a day. Every single one I've met is friendly. The first guy I met here is probably the reason I chose it to begin with because I didn't meet Dr. Weis until later on. Dr. Weis is amazing. Kim is awesome. They all are. I'd recommend him.

Part #1

I was tired of wearing glasses, hiding my face. They kind of slide down my nose and I guess that's the thing that I get tired of. So I just didn't want glasses any more, period. Yesterday was amazing, how simple it seemed and how fast it was, and virtually pain-free for me. I can't even say how easy it was. I should have done this years ago, but who knew? Anybody thinking of this, you can come here and meet the staff and meet Dr. Weis. And if you're serious, you should do it.

Part #2

When the staff and Dr. Weis explained it all, it kind of put my fear away. Extremely friendly, extremely informative. The whole time, like as the procedures going on, Dr. Weis is saying what he's going to do right before he does it. And everybody in that room was right on cue. I mean, I wasn't nervous at all. The only surprise is how fast it was. Literally. I can see really nicely right now. I'm actually going to my son's ball game and good old regular pair of sunglasses is all that I will have on.

Part #1

It went very well. They did a very nice job of keeping me calm. They were fun, so it made me more relaxed and they were easy going and explained everything the entire time, so it ended countdown. So when I knew what was coming up, what was happening, and then they tell me how many seconds left, and it just made it easier for me to go through. Very polite and kind, very open, they listened to my questions, they answered them truthfully and honestly. Listened to my fears, talked me through it, it was great. It's awesome. I don't have to wear contacts or glasses as of right now. It feels really good.

Part #2

Exercising was hard. Glasses would always slide down my nose. And when I was teaching, I used to hate having them in my face all the time, working with kids, getting down. Yeah, it's just going to be great. It's going to make everything easier. I think I walked out just with the expectation that I would just like my eyesight to be a little bit better. But the surprise was, it's amazing. I can actually see everything and I don't have to worry about contacts or glasses. So my expectation was not to get too hopeful because my eyesight was so poor. So just to leave here and be able to just see everything as if I had contacts or glasses on is amazing.

Part #1

I was tired of having dry eyes from contacts and I wanted to see road signs, I wanted to see further away. I wanted to see what my friends who didn't even have glasses or contacts ... I want to see what they see and I can't wait until it becomes perfect and probably going to cry because I'm gonna be so happy. I just was surprised on how affordable it was. I was surprised at the promptness of everything. Everything happened like that. The moment I needed an exam they fit me in, everything happened in short period of time.

Part #2

It went great. I absolutely loved it. I was really impressed with the pain level, the recovery afterwards, and I wasn't groggy. I took my nap. I woke up. I could see immediately after, but it went great. It went beyond my expectations. I thought that there was gonna be a longer healing time, but it was go take a nap, wake up, you're gonna have dry eyes, and I did. I can see signs on my way back for my post checkup. I am extremely impressed. I grabbed a handful of business cards to hand them out.

Part #3

I'm really bummed out that I only have one more eye exam because I love the staff here. The lady at the front desk is really welcoming. She's very sweet and Bernie was great. He has a great personality and then the doctor himself was just so welcoming and comforting and just making you not nervous. They know what they're doing and I am grateful for that. I'm extremely impressed. I would do it again if I had to. If I needed to, if I had to do it again, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Part #1

You know, for many years I've been looking at it and I think I was just finally to the point of I was done with contacts and glasses and they kept changing contacts, makes and fits and so this just seemed like the time to do it. You know what? The experience was about as simple as it could be. Going in for the actual procedure was interesting. But you know what, Dr. Weis did a great job of kind of coaching you through it, letting you know exactly what was going on and his staff is outstanding throughout it and it really ended up being about as easy as it could be.

Part #2

It seemed like the minute I got a contact that worked that fit my eye right, that was comfortable, that would go away. And then you're having to go through the adjustment of finding the right contact again. That is probably the biggest thing for me that I'm excited about. Never having to deal with that, never having to worry about the fit of a contact or my eyes getting tired with the contacts. Just being able to wake up and my eyes are my eyes. You know, I'm just a day out, but going from the way I felt when I got home to today, it's night and day and to be able to wake up and actually see without putting any contacts or glasses on is amazing in and of itself.

Part #3

The staff? Excellent, excellent. You know, I dealt with Bernie for most of it and Bernie was very friendly and, you know, it just makes ... puts you at ease. He makes it easy throughout. They were fantastic, so no complaints. They did a great job. I think the only surprise was really, and I knew it was a quick procedure once you got in there. But I don't think you really realize how quick the actual procedure is until you're in there and the procedure itself is just, that was the surprising thing, was how quickly you are in and out of the actual surgery. You know, I would definitely recommend it to anyone who would ask me about it.

Part #1

I was just tired of having to worry about contacts and having to bring glasses with me, so I decided to just have LASIK done and I don't have to worry about it anymore. I am running in Grandma's, I'm doing the half marathon this year so that's one thing I don't have to worry about is something going wrong with my contacts while I'm out on the course. Swimming, don't have to worry about getting splashed in the face and just not having that extra worry of always having to have extra contacts with me and solution and glasses. I have a couple of friends who are actually thinking about doing it and I would recommend they come here.

Part #2

It went really well. I worried about it for a while up until the procedure but it was really actually pretty easy. Everyone was very friendly, very helpful, I felt very comfortable. I guess I thought the recovery might be a little bit longer. Otherwise I mean they explained the procedure like as I was in there what was happening and how many seconds they would count down. They knew how much longer I had so everything was ... I don't know I felt pretty comfortable. Really I guess I thought maybe today I would be ... my eyes would be more irritated but they actually feel pretty good.